Saturday 3 May 2014

Costume Making 101 - The More things Change...

As promised a small update for y'all today - following a 500-mile trip around the country on Thursday, including the always delightful NEC in Birmingham and the world's best katsu curry in the Trafford Centre, Manchester, I ended up having Friday off of work.  And I was not idle...

Talking through things with my friend Scott about his Ezio-inspired costume, we decided to take a slightly different approach with the armour.  The plastic mannequin pieces are on hold due to time constraints, so I had to go in a different direction.  

Going through the patterns, I decided to use one from the excellent Crystal Anvil book, produced and sold through Lederkraft Studios at  Not content to build it as printed, I made a few alterations on the fly and came up with my own take.  

So, small update, but here's where the "Ezio" is up to now:

And the shoulder armour itself:

I have a step-by-step for the shoulder armour to do, more to follow in the coming weeks as we hurtle towards the Comic-con deadline including the fix for my coat's hood, holsters, belts, boots, trousers and hidden blades....

Speaking of which, got mine finished!

Regular service will be resumed on Wednesday.

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