Wednesday 5 November 2014

Costume Making 101: It's Alive!  Sort of.

I've been thinking about hoods a lot recently.  Stick with me.

Last time I'd just started patterning out my new hood design after several attempts that I wasn't entirely happy with up until now.  Nothing to do with the patterns themselves, more with how I put them together.  So, without further ado, progress!

I'm convinced these tutorials online that insist you need add wires and various other things to your hoods to make them stand correctly are wrong, simply because despite what everyone thinks, hoods are incredibly hard to pattern out to look like they do in a computer game.  That said, I'm not for a minute suggesting my way is correct, more that I'm going to explore the options for making a hood without wires to see if I can crack it.  

Despite what I just said, hoods themselves in principal are incredibly simple.  They are two quarter circles for the sides with a middle strip to add width.  Computer game hoods are not.  They are form fitting, gravity defying and covered in seam lines, panels intricate details.  All this adds up to a seemingly impossible set of shapes to draw up and scale correctly.  Simplicity, I'm convinced, is the key:

Even this could be simpler when you get down to it...

The plan then: the lining is (almost) complete, just a few detail lines of stitching and the back piece to add (which I've actually just done but haven't photographed yet), then it's on to the outside.  My theory is that with the correct layers and stitching reinforcement then the hood should sit correctly...

The outer layer will be comprised of the same basic shapes as the lining, but with added panels to make it look more complicated and involved.  These additional panels will also add structure by being double stitched to provide a good, solid seam line.

More to come later in the week, I'll keep y'all posted as to how it works out - patterns will be uploaded whether or not it works so people cleverer than me can have a go!

Until next time. 

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