Thursday 20 November 2014

Costume Making 101 - Reasons (excuses) for a slow blog week...

1.  Applying graphics at the office

The handywork of yours truly and my friend Scott over at

2.  Designing.  New Comic-Con, new coat, you know the rules. 

And the final design:

Drawn by me over prints of the pattern I plan to use, everyone's favourite, Simplicity 2333.

3.  Internet distractions of things I want.

4.  Oh, and this.

Nice cameo by the Axe-gun.  Everyone loves an Axe-gun. 

Next week will be more productive.  Honest.  In between house viewings, estate agents, finishing sequence 6 of AC Unity (buy it, buy it, buy it!) and various other things.  I think I've also started my Dishonored Corvo Attano prop purchases, so more to come on those too!


Until next time. 

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